Lifestyle, Genetics & Diet: The Why's of Puffy Eyes!
Skincare History: From Cleopatra to Estee Lauder
While it may not be a common fact that Ancient Egypt's Cleopatra was the first beauty entrepreneur in history, it is logical to think that our ancestors battled with their skin just like us today. In our modern day, we like to think of Estee Lauder as the beauty industry's creator, but let us take a little trip in the TRIXSENT Time Machine!
Skin Care Products: pH Levels & Potential Contaminants
Why Try Essential Oils for Skin Care?
Does your skin get irritated by over-the-counter cleansing or anti-wrinkle products? If so, you are not alone. Many skin care products contain synthetic ingredients that strip your skin of moisture or cause redness and inflammation. TRIXSENT recommends essential oils as they contain healing nutrients that cross the skin barrier and naturally repair damaged skin.